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February 2016:  Plans for Biomass Workshop in June 2016

MeteoRR partner Dr. Jhuma Sadhukhan at Surrey University will be running at the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) in Amsterdam in June 2016.


Biomass is a low carbon source of energy, chemicals- commodity and specialty and materials- polymers and elements. The complex site configurations arising from integration between biomass feedstocks, processes and products are known as biorefineries. The call for cost-effective and sustainable production of energy, chemical and material products from biomass gives light for the conception of biorefineries. For sustainable biorefinery design, the nature and range of alternatives for feedstocks, process technologies, intermediate platforms and products are important to know. In this Workshop, the features and principles of advanced biorefinery configurations (multiple feedstocks, products, and platforms), project ideas and concepts are introduced alongside tools to design feasible / competitive biorefineries and assess the sustainability of biorefineries. It deals with the specialized subject matter thoroughly with good explanations of the chemistries involved and emphasizes where conventional chemical engineering principles differ from those needed to design biorefinery plant.


This Workshop offers hands-on-experience in the tools of process simulation and integration and economic value and life cycle assessments taking advanced biorefinery examples from comprehensive and seminal courseware: Biorefineries and Chemical Processes: Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis of Wiley: Advanced Textbook in Chemical Engineering & Industrial Chemistry and an Advanced Textbook in Green, Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry DOI 10.1007/s10337-015-2843-9


December 2015 update: We are very pleased that Chivas Brothers have joined the METEORR project as an industrial partner. There are now 6 industrial partners on the project. 

We will work with Chivas Brothers to use microbial electrochemical systems to recover copper from wastewater streams. The stills to distill alcohol for whisky are made from copper and a small amount of copper dissolves over time into the waste which is removed from the bottom of the still after the alcohol has been separated.